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Drat! The wrong duke in yesterday’s post.

George, Duke of Clarence was Edward IV’s brother.  The Duke of Buckingham was someone else entirely. George, Duke of Clarence was the third son of Richard of York.  Initially he supported his brother Edward and so long as Edward remained without sons he was next in line to the throne.

But in 1469 George married Isabel Neville. As the power of the Woodvilles became more obvious George joined with Warwick in plotting against Edward, principally because he hoped that the Kingmaker would make him king. He went with Warwick, his mother-in-law and his heavily pregnant wife to Calais where, despite the fact that Isabel was in the middle of a difficult labour they were refused entry.

Once in France Warwick made an alliance with Margaret of Anjou whereby his younger daughter Anne was married to Prince Edward.

Clarence seeing which way the wind was blowing returned to England and was forgiven. Ultimately George accused Elizabeth Woodville of witchcraft, found himself arrested for treason and was privately executed in the Tower for treason – possibly in the vat of Malmsey.  He deserves a longer post but this is by way of a correction for yesterday’s over enthusiastic pressing of the publish button.

The Duke of Buckingham on the other hand was Henry Stafford and because this is the Wars of the Roses he has a complicated family tree which in essence makes him very Plantagenet because he is descended from two sons of Edward III. During the reign of Edward IV he was married off to  Catherine Woodville – who he doesn’t appear to have liked very much. He came to the forefront of events on the death of Edward IV. Buckingham sided with Richard in the power struggle against the Woodvilles for control of the young Edward V; is one of the suspects accused of murdering the princes in the Tower; plotted against Richard to bring Henry Tudor to England.  He was captured and executed in November 1483.  He also requires a post of his own – I shall add them to my list.




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